Molly Ann Thompson, age eighteen, is the tenth child of Johnny and Inger Thompson.
She loves horses, archery, soccer, and telling people that Jesus loves them. Horses have always been an important part of Molly’s life, and she has competed in barrel racing, ranch, western, roping, jumping, and English events at county, district, state, and regional levels.
She shot archery and shotgun competitively through 4-H as well. Molly has been playing soccer since age 4 and has had the opportunity to travel all over the Southeast US playing in local, state, regional, and national tournaments. After graduation, Molly has a scholarship to play soccer at Northwest Mississippi Community College, while pursuing a degree in business.
Her plans after college are to become an esthetician. One of her favorite verses is “And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is” Ephesians 3:18).