Selah Grace Ryan is the first-born daughter of Michael and Julia Ryan and Teresa Beck. She is the eldest of 5 siblings and she spends lots of good times doing crafts and chores and just having a great time.
In her free time, Selah enjoys numerous hobbies which include painting and bible journaling, which she has enjoyed for the past three years. She also enjoys crocheting which she began learning from her granny and has continued teaching herself.
Selah is an aspiring artist and sings at festivals and any venue she can. So be looking for her to be a famous singer one day! Selah also enjoys working. She has worked for her dad since she was about six years old. Selah learned how to work with her hands and to do all that she does to the best of her ability to honor our creator.
Currently, she works at a local flower shop doing deliveries as well as helping with arrangements. She also does numerous odd and end jobs for people in the community After completing the Distinguished Young Woman of Choctaw county and winning with third runner up and a $500 scholarship, she has continued to work for her dad learning about construction.
As well as aspiring to be a singer, she is also preparing to go to cosmetology school. Her favorite bible verse is Roman 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. She looks forward to seeing what God has in store for her life!