Atley Nora Thompson, age 18, is the ninth child of Johnny and Inger Thompson. She loves horses, archery, work, crafts, and soccer. Since age two she has been competing in 4-H horse shows at County, District, State, and Regional levels.
Atley has been shooting archery for 10 years and recently competed at the 2021 National 4-H Shooting Sports Competition held in Nebraska.
Atley enjoys working and learning, which has led to having her own art business. Playing soccer has been a long-term goal and dream of hers, and so after high school, she will be attending ECCC to further her soccer and academic career.
Atley loves spending her free time with her siblings and local church youth group-reading the Word and worshiping her heavenly Father. She is beyond excited to see what God has planned in the future.
Jerimiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”